
More Options with Wi-Fi Sensing for Client Devices

More Options with Wi-Fi Sensing for Client Devices

Traditionally, Wi-Fi Sensing was predominantly associated with access points (APs), notably routers, which served as central hubs for device connectivity. This fostered the belief that the widespread adoption of Wi-Fi Sensing depended on households with Wi-Fi Sensing...

More Options with Wi-Fi Sensing for Client Devices

Discover how the integration of WiFi Motion into client device chipsets is revolutionizing Wi-Fi Sensing, expanding possibilities beyond traditional AP-centric setups. Explore the implications for smart homes, security, healthcare, and more, as technology evolves to intuitively respond to users’ presence and movements.

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Data Overload: Downfall of IoT?

Data Overload: Downfall of IoT?

With an estimated 41.6 billion IoT devices by 2025, the challenge lies in deriving meaningful insights from the vast data they generate. AI plays a crucial role in assimilating data, but human involvement is key for value extraction and user experience. Many IoT projects fail due to challenges like analysis paralysis, operational inefficiencies, and a shortage of data science specialists. Cognitive Systems emphasizes a human-centric approach, focusing on user pain points, safety, and security, to ensure a smoother human interaction and successful IoT outcomes.
5 Fun Facts About Cognitive Systems Corp.

5 Fun Facts About Cognitive Systems Corp.

We started B2C, we compute on the edge, not just a home security company, turn IoT devices into motion sensors, over 155 patents filed and over 40 granted
Cognitive Systems to Advance Leading-Edge WiFi Motion Technology with Support from the Strategic Innovation Fund

Cognitive Systems to Advance Leading-Edge WiFi Motion Technology with Support from the Strategic Innovation Fund

Cognitive Systems Corp. is set to receive a $7.3 million investment from the Canadian government's Strategic Innovation Fund to further develop its WiFi Motion™ technology. The patented technology, when integrated into routers and gateways, monitors wireless signals within existing WiFi environments to alert users of motion, utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) for advanced motion localization and personalized experiences. The investment will be used to enhance the AI engines, develop wellness monitoring features, and optimize energy management in connected homes. The funding supports Cognitive Systems' vision of a fully connected, cognitive smart home.
Waterloo’s Cognitive Systems Sees the Unseeable

Waterloo’s Cognitive Systems Sees the Unseeable

Waterloo-based Cognitive Systems Corp has developed software that can detect ripples in radio frequency waves caused by movement, turning connected devices into motion sensors. The technology, known as WiFi Motion, can be used for security, health monitoring, and home automation. Installed on internet routers, it can alert homeowners to movement and adjust heating or lighting according to patterns learned over time. Cognitive Systems recently received a $7.3m investment from the Canadian federal government to support its growth. The technology has privacy features, as it doesn't use live video and offers user control over when it is active.
WiFi 6 Promises Faster, More Efficient WiFi for Smart Home

WiFi 6 Promises Faster, More Efficient WiFi for Smart Home

The next generation of WiFi, dubbed Wi-Fi 6 by the WiFi Alliance, is based on the IEEE 802.11ax standard and promises higher data rates, increased capacity, improved power efficiency and better performance.
Smart Home Companies Hone in on Growing US Elder Care Market

Smart Home Companies Hone in on Growing US Elder Care Market

As countries around the world prepare for a future with aging populations, many smart home companies are investing in the development of elderly care technology.
Feds Investing $41 Million in Quantum and Artificial Intelligence Research in Waterloo Region

Feds Investing $41 Million in Quantum and Artificial Intelligence Research in Waterloo Region

WATERLOO - In an effort to further strengthen Canada's position in the world of quantum computing, artificial ...
The Missing Link for the Smart Home of the Future: Cognitive Systems’ Aura WiFi Motion

The Missing Link for the Smart Home of the Future: Cognitive Systems’ Aura WiFi Motion

Cognitive Systems has launched Aura WiFi Motion technology, aiming to improve connectivity among smart home devices. By partnering with chipset manufacturers like Qualcomm and Quantenna Communications, the technology integrates into existing home access points, using radio frequency waves from WiFi-enabled devices to detect and alert users to motion. This solution enables a fully connected smart home experience without additional hardware or software, covering various applications such as home security, elder care, rental properties, and energy management. Aura WiFi Motion preserves privacy, covers the entire home, and provides valuable localization and context information for enhanced automation.
Cognitive Systems Corp Is Recognized as One of the 10 Most Promising Wireless Technology Solution Providers of 2019 by CIO Review Magazine

Cognitive Systems Corp Is Recognized as One of the 10 Most Promising Wireless Technology Solution Providers of 2019 by CIO Review Magazine

To learn more about this distinction from CIO Review Magazine, click here.